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Discovery Art 04.28

Ararity Fine Arts Discovery Sale! Artists including W. Lee, Sue Anne Bottomley, Vincent Carneiro, Eliezer R., Ted MacKechnie, John McCann, Paula Crane, John Sill, Damba Tsolmon, Henry Moore, John Elwyn, E. Canul, Helen Dilley Barsalou, William E. C. Morgan, Jon Smith, Alberto Vadi, Brian Williams, Ken Jackson, Will Petersen, W.J. Hopkinson, Giovanni Battista, Anne W. Ray, Philip Martin, Olene Albertson, David Roberts, Lee Weiss, Eva Carter, Kathy Leader, F. Bromley, Tony Agostini, De Carlo, Joseph Farquharson, Carole Moskowitz, Mitch Lyons, Terry Wilson, Robert Stopa, Diana Hansen, J. Israeel, Daphne Boothby, R.H. Palenske, Jose Royo, Sally Nolan, Lyndia Terre, John Haymson, Edwin Harris, Kim Kulla, Jay Owens, Grace Lewis, W.H. Boucher, J. Cousen, Martyn Howgill, Joe Castillo, Pati Bannister, Caroline Heald, John Stobart, Giorgio Lancioni, Alejandro Cireno de la Rosa, Nelson, Evan Roolen, Remington, and E. Jean Lanyon. Bid Now!

Sale Closed

25% buyer’s premium is added to every purchase. Any buyer who comes to a removal unprepared without dollies, carts, boxes, properly-sized vehicles, or enough help to remove items in a timely manner will be asked to schedule an alternate, available appointment. Shipping contact Donald Camden (703)-569-8802. Shipping is not available for silver, gold coins or bullion. License 2906000261

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